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the public face of queerspawn

After working and organizing within the queerspawn community for over a decade I've met lots of families who've been brave enough to share their stories with the press. Which results in a bizarre phenomenon of seeing your friends or friends-of-friends on tv or in print.

Is this how celebrities feel? To walk in the the supermarket and see the person you just had dinner with on the cover of a magazine. To turn on the TV and see your friends on talk shows.

The families in the press often know each other through COLAGE or other organizations, but our families ties run deeper than one organization. I've often wondered about making some sort of queerspawn chart, much like the lesbian linkage charts written on napkins for years and now popularized on the L word.

I got to thinking about this tonight as I watched this month's In the Life on "Downsizing Stereotypes" in the workplace. At the tail end of the show was a segment on coming out in the workplace. I recognized Sandy Russo as one of the moms featured in Meema Spadola's documentary "Our House." Russo also happens to be the mom of Ry Russo-Young, who was featured on the cover of the New York Times magazine.


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