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Blogging for LGBT Families

While it's not quite June 1st over here in California, I'm ready to start "Blogging for LGBT Families."

I took a quick peak at the other early bird bloggers. the OTHER mother recounts the lengths she and her partner go to establish legal protection for their children. Samantha challenges us to expand our definition of LGBT family. hbaby feels the pain and frustration in trying to start a "family of choice".

The true beauty of the new blogging culture is the opportunity for all of us to share our varied experiences with one another. We've come along way from the small local gay parenting groups of 20 years ago.

A big thank you to to Dana Rudolph (Mombian) for organizing this grassroots event in the blogosphere. (And to Abigail for passing it on...)

...and come back again this month as the new queerspawn.community unfolds...


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I am so pleased to visit your site and I came by way of Mombian.

I have also posted on my blog a special announcemet about my daughter that I saved for Families Day.

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