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We are everywhere RoseAnn

With this being my first post to the QueerSpawn.Community, let me pause to introduce myself. Ryan LaLonde here, proud son of a lesbian-appearing mother (she is bi but in a relationship with my other “mom” for 21 plus years…you know how this goes). To the outside world, she is a lesbian mother. Anyway, I reside in Silver Springs, Maryland, which is neither silver nor springy…I am also involved with COLAGE, as DC chapter coordinator and Board of Directors chair.

A while back I did some research on famous and not so famous kids with LGBT parents. Grounding our work in history and celebritydom makes us feel like we are not alone. Even though we meet each other at different events, the people who I found stay with me in my mind as steadfast examples to throw out randomly…it especially makes for a great part game…guess who had queer parents.

Now the list is ever-changing and I ask for more names as time goes along. I would also like to note that a camp I work with called Mountain Meadow based in Philly is a camp for kids with Queer parents and they ran with this list and created this great resource for the kids… http://www.mountainmeadow.org/famouspeople.pdf

The list is diverse, Anne Heche, Natasha Richardson, Dorothy Dandridge, OJ Simpson, Jody Foster and now even Carl Rove. Even though we may not want certain people in our community because we do not agree with their views, opinions or actions, that fact is all us queerspawn come from very different places, but even if we pulled all these people together with different views into a room, I bet we would find many common experiences.


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Awesome!!! Thanks so much for including that link to the mountain meadows list, most informative!

I'm so excited to be blogging with you and Kate! WOO HOO!

not to mention that COLAGE has a similar list ready for debut any minute...!

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